Sunday, June 14, 2009

She's Alice (She Thinks)

I am LOVING this book!
Hilarious, sweet... plus Alice is a wierdo.
Here are some of my favourite quotes:

''I'm so depressed I can barely move. I don't think we natural depressives should get happy. It isn't good for us in the long run. My hair still looks great, though. At the risk of sounding like an eighties hair band, I think this might be love.''

''I wasn't going to mention this, since this is a journal of career exploration by a dynamic young person with limitless potential and an accounting of valuable Life Experiences, not the lovesick diary of some teenager, but Aubrey called today. We talked for over an hour. That is the longest I have ever stayed on the phone (not liking people and all). I think my parents were starting to worry that I'd had a stroke and was suffering from some kind of paralysis.''

''I think I love Aubrey. I know I love my hair. I may even be a girl. The rituals of humans are very odd.''

Yeah, I basically gave out the story. But it's just so GREAT!


  1. Oh that's cool. Where are you going to go see them at? Virginia because that's where the are tonight? Isn't that a few hours a way still from DC?? Well I hope you have a good time.:D


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